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Ridge Preservation, Extration Socket Management

This webinar with Dr. Michael Glogauer will focus on the current gold standard for preserving alveolar bone at the time of extraction in order to optimize long-term implants therapy success.

This is Part 1 of a 2-part series with Dr. Glogauer. In order for implant therapy to be successful there is a need for adequate host bone in the proper position in three dimensions. However, the alveolar ridge is prone to resorption following extraction of teeth which results in inadequate bone volume and unfavorable alveolar ridge architecture which ultimately limits the successful placement of dental implants. Although immediate placement of dental implants is a successful form of therapy, it has been reported that implants do not adequately preserve the alveolar ridge. In this presentation we will focus on the current gold standard for preserving alveolar bone at the time of extraction in order to optimize long-term implants therapy success.


SKU: 822010321
Part Number: 822010321

Learning Objectives:

    • Appreciate the biological properties of alveolar bone and how to optimize alveolar bone health
    • Understand the predictable structural changes that occur to the alveolar ridge after tooth extraction
    • Understand how to optimize alveolar bone healing after tooth extraction



Learning Objectives:

    • Appreciate the biological properties of alveolar bone and how to optimize alveolar bone health
    • Understand the predictable structural changes that occur to the alveolar ridge after tooth extraction
    • Understand how to optimize alveolar bone healing after tooth extraction


