Allerject portable voice-prompt epinephrine Auto-Injectors are designed to be easy to use and easy to carry, with a compact size that is about the length and width of a credit card.
Part Number: ALLERJECT
ALLERJECT is for the emergency treatment of serious allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) and is intended for people who are at risk and for people with a history of serious allergic reactions (anaphylaxis).
What is ALLERJECT used for?
ALLERJECT is for the emergency treatment of serious allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) and is intended for people who are at risk and for people with a history of serious allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). ALLERJECT should be used immediately to treat yourself or your child when experiencing a severe allergic reaction. This is emergency treatment. It does not replace seeing a doctor or going to the hospital. After injection, seek immediate medical attention. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to discuss treatment options for anaphylaxis and whether ALLERJECT is right for you. Always read and follow the patient information leaflet that comes with your ALLERJECT device.
Anaphylaxis is a severe and life-threatening type of allergic reaction.* It can be triggered by foods (e.g., peanuts, shellfish), insect stings, certain medications, latex or other allergens. Anaphylaxis can also be triggered by exercise. Sometimes, there is no way to tell what triggered an anaphylactic reaction.
* ALLERJECT is not indicated to prevent death associated with anaphylaxis.